Friday, November 29, 2019

All you need to know about Secondary Infertility

What is Secondary Infertility?

Secondary Infertility is an inability to become pregnant or to carry a pregnancy successfully until birth after having previous success in delivering a child.  

Due to the inherent nature of the condition, individuals experiencing secondary Infertility are much less likely to seek out treatment, than those who experience primary Infertility. The perception that since they were able to conceive before, they should be able to again stays, and hence, many people shy away from going to the best IVF Center in Noida

In reality, however, many changes occur in a woman's body after a pregnancy, that may, and will alter a woman's ability to conceive more children.

Causes of Secondary Infertility  

The causes for secondary Infertility are usually the same as for primary Infertility, consisting of:  

  • Endometriosis
  • Diminished ovarian reserve
  • Ovulation problems, like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Polyps or Uterine fibroids
  • Low sperm count, impaired sperm production, function or delivery in men
  • Ejaculatory problems
  • Pelvic adhesions
  • Damaged Fallopian tube
  • Complications arising from a prior pregnancy or surgery
  • Risk factor changes from the use of certain medications

Underlying medical conditions like these may develop for a myriad of reasons. Infection, weight gain, previous C-section, botched surgeries, and even age may adversely affect a woman's reproductive health and her ability to conceive. Men are also susceptible to such changes and may experience difficulties as a result of stress, age, or other similar issues.  

Treatment for Secondary Infertility  

Depending on the circumstances, both partners might need medical evaluations. A general practitioner can help determine whether there's an issue that requires a specialist, or even treatment at a fertility clinic.

It is generally recommended that individuals seeking the help of fertility specialists try to conceive for at least 8-12 months. For people over the age of thirty-five, or who suffer from known medical conditions, it is generally recommended that they must visit Dr. Shweta Goswami much sooner.  

Treatment of secondary Infertility, much like primary Infertility, depends mainly on any underlying medical conditions. The misconception that Infertility is only the female's problem must be trashed. A thorough evaluation and review of both members of the relationship ensures that the couple undergoing treatment receive the most effective solution to their problem.  

Emotional Aspect of Secondary Infertility  

The stress of secondary Infertility on an individual's life and relationships can be very significant. It can be hard to find support from family and friends, especially when the woman or couple already has children. One receives a lot of advice, like, "you should be contented with what you have," or, "just keep trying," But this advice almost never serves a useful role in supporting the individual or couple. Sometimes couples and single parents trying to conceive again also become the target of couples with primary Infertility who are unable even to have their first child.

Couples need to maintain open and honest communication with each other. They should recognize that feelings can change over time and that for this to work, both members must be completely straightforward with each other. For single parents wishing to have additional children, they must try to develop a healthy support system through their friends and family. Children can pick up on their parents' stress. Hence it is also essential to pay attention to how the kids may be feeling. Children might not understand why their parents are feeling this way and might assume it to be something they did.