Wednesday, July 17, 2019

All you need to know about Thyroid Cancer

The cells of thyroid form a gland in the shape of a butterfly. This gland is present at the base of the neck or just below the Adam’s apple. It is solely responsible for the production of hormones and controls our metabolism. It also regulates our heart rate, blood pressure, temperature of the body and weight of a person. The thyroid cancer usually occurs in the cells of thyroid i.e. in the base of our neck.

Almost 75% of our population has thyroid nodules but they are generally benign, and thus not risky. However, the overall risk of developing a major thyroid nodule is highly marked in adults than the younger population. Thyroid cancer is also found more common in females than males. Exposure to high levels of radiation can also create a risk factor for the occurrence of thyroid cancer. In case, you are also facing such issues, contact Dr. Vikas Goswami.

Types of thyroid cancer:

1) Papillary thyroid cancer also called papillary thyroid carcinoma is considered the most common type of thyroid cancer. It generally arises from the follicular cells that produce and store thyroid. It occurs mostly due to radiation exposure and is more common in people between the ages of 30 to 50 years old. The prognosis is directly related to the age factor.

2) Follicular thyroid cancer accounts for 10% of all thyroid cancer and is more common among the female population especially above the age of 50. It arises from the follicular cells of the thyroid. It also has a further subtype called Hurthle cell cancer, which is a rare and its more aggressive form.

3) Medullary thyroid cancer usually begins in the C cells of thyroid cells which produce calcitonin hormone. If there are elevated levels of calcitonin, this may indicate medullary cancer at a very early stage. Due to genetic syndromes too, the risk of medullary thyroid cancer increases but this is an uncommon genetic link.

4) Anaplastic thyroid cancer is a very rare and a rapidly growing cancer which is very difficult to treat. It typically occurs in people above the age of 60 years and older. It is the least common and accounts for only 1% of the thyroid cancers. It arises within a more differentiated cancer or sometimes due to goitre. It takes the cancer to the lymph nodes in the neck, making it more difficult to cure.

5) Thyroid Lymphoma is an unusual form of thyroid cancer. It begins in the immune system cells of the thyroid gland and grows rapidly. It typically is found in older adults.

Causes of thyroid cancer:

There is generally no such early sign or symptom of thyroid cancer. But these are few that may occur:
1) A lump on the skin of your neck: It is considered to be the most common symptom of thyroid cancer. It is also called neck mass. A benign neck lump is non-cancerous, but a big one or the one growing too fast can be a sign of thyroid cancer. Due to cancer, thyroid nodules swell up leading to such lumps in the neck.

2) Change in voice: Another symptom that may arise due to thyroid cancer is the change in voice or specifically the increase in hoarseness in voice. Hypothyroidism is one cause behind the hoarseness in voice leading to thyroid cancer, if it doesn’t get better.

3) Difficulty in swallowing: During the thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules grow larger or the thyroid gland swells up, making it tough for a person to swallow food.

4) Pain in the neck and throat: It is an uncommon symptom, but can happen in an exceptional case when there are inflammatory conditions of thyroid or there are chances of medullary thyroid cancer.

5) Swollen lymph nodes in neck: The thyroid nodules grow up on the surface or in the thyroid gland and excessive swelling may point towards growing thyroid cancer.

6) Cough: Not a general cough, but an excessive cough not due to cold which doesn’t heal can also be a symptom of thyroid cancer. It may occur due to swollen thyroid nodules.

7) Trouble in breathing: Due to the swollen thyroid nodules or goitre, there is no space near/around the thyroid gland which makes it difficult not just to swallow but also in breathing.

Are you also facing certain causes of Thyroid Cancer? Well, contact the best cancer hospital in Noida to treat your thyroid cancer.